Meetings and conferences

30th International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction in schools in Poland

Organizer(s) GOTOWI.ORG Foundation
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Be ready! not give up! Under this slogan, the Foundation, the creator of the portal, a website about threats and ways to deal with them in Poland, runs an information campaign. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness of how to prepare for threats and how to deal with them effectively. The Foundation wants to reach the awareness of Poles and point out that simple precaution and being ready for threats can save lives.

The climate changes that are taking place with the world around us bring more frequent and more violent weather phenomena. Crops are shrinking, water supplies are running out, new conflicts arise, population migrations, and diseases are spreading. It is impossible to prevent these disasters, but you can be prepared and limit the risk. October 13 is the International Day for Disaster Reduction, and the organization of this Day is part of the organisation's campaign. The project covered children from 12 years of age as well as youth up to 19 years old.

The aim of the celebration of the International Day of Disaster Reduction in schools in Poland, is:

  • drawing the attention of educators, children and young people to the existing risks of threats and natural disasters;
  • involving students in activities related to reducing the effects of disasters and reducing the risk of threats;
  • encouraging young people to share the obtained information with family and relatives.

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