SE35: Early Warning Early Action

  • ID: SE35
  • Date & Time: Thursday 18 June (13:30 - 15:00)
  • Room: 16
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: IFRC
  • Facilitators: Moderator: Yasemin Aysan, Under Sceretary General, Disaster Response and Early Recovery, International Federation
    Rapporteur: Josephine Shields Recass
  • Focal Point: josephine.shieldsrecass (at)


Early warning and early action are key elements of disaster risk reduction, as well as of disaster management. However, while there has been significant investment in the development of the technical components of early warning - and advances in this area - this has not been matched by sufficient developments in the human component. This includes activities such as risk assessment by and with communities, the dissemination of the information that emanate from this process, and the use of this information to orient actions in a timely manner in order to preserve lives and livelihoods and reduce vulnerability to hazards.

Inextricably linked to vulnerability reduction, is the ability of communities to cope with climate variability and extremes – and unpredictability – due to climate change and continue to develop in spite of them. It is therefore essential that disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate risk management (CRM) adopt complementary approaches. This special event will examine these two areas within the context of the 2009 edition of the World Disasters Report (WDR) to allow for information exchange on good practices, highlighting areas for improvement, or greater focus and advocating for these to be reflected in the action plan of the Global Platform. The opportunity will also be used to reflect on the progress made against Objective 2, of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) at community level.

Expected Outcomes

• Further discussion on the contents of the WDR 2009, with particular focus on the main chapter
• Sharing of innovative ideas for risk management and early action
• Explore options for increasing partnerships at community level to facilitate early action, given its importance to the successful implementation of sustainable risk reduction activities
• Three recommendations to be taken forward to the wider Global Platform forum


The session will be divided into three segments:

- Key messages on Early Warning Early Action from WDR 2009
- Complementarity between DRR and CRM – practical examples
- WFP update on innovative practices in Early Warning and Early Action
- Debate on main ideas from the segments, in light of the HFA, and its mid term review
- Recommendations and ideas for follow up

Background Papers

> Special event on Early Warning, Early Action [DOC, 39.00 Kb]


> Recovery Vouchers - an example of early action [PPT, 2.40 Mb]


Note: this is an interim report pending publication of the Conference Proceedings from the 2009 Global Platform.

> Report from SE35 [PDF, 25.39 Kb]

Related Links

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 4, core indicator 4.2

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 2, core indicator 2.3

Last updated: 04 December 2020