Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

      First session, Geneva, Switzerland
      5 - 7 June 2007


GP Acting with common purpose
Acting with Common Purpose
Proceedings of the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
[English] - [Spanish]

UN/ISDR logo
United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction


About the Global Platform


The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, in his capacity as chairperson of the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR) , launched a consultative process in 2006 to consider practical ways to strengthen the ISDR system and better support Governments to meet their commitment to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. Those broad consultations identified a set of proposals, one of which was to convene a multi-stakeholder Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.


In the past the ISDR system has been structured at the global level through the IATF/DR and associated thematic Working Groups, with only limited representation and outreach. While a number of countries have created National Platforms to advocate for and promote disaster risk reduction, the ISDR system needs to be empowered at the regional and sub-regional levels to convene and co-ordinate disaster risk reduction initiatives.


At the global level the ISDR system is being broadened to include the wide range of actors involved in disaster risk reduction initiatives including states.


The Global Platform is foreseen to become the main global forum for all parties involved in disaster risk reduction, namely Governments, United Nations agencies, international financial institutions, regional bodies, civil society, the private sector, and the scientific and academic communities to:
Raise awareness on reducing disaster risk:

  • Increase the profile of disaster risk reduction as part of development and climate change adaptation, recognizing that it is “everybody's business” and must be a multi-stakeholder undertaking, with Governments' playing a central role;

  • Reiterate the commitment of policy and decision-makers to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action.

Share experience:

  • Learn from good practice;

  • Provide practical guidance for nations and communities to reduce disaster risk.

Guide the ISDR system:

  • Assess progress made in implementing the Hyogo Framework, and identify obstacles, critical problems and emerging issues that must be addressed to speed up national and local implementation;

  • Enhance cooperation and concerted action by the international community to support national and local implementation of disaster risk reduction including identification of priorities for the ISDR system for 2008-2009.

The Global Platform maintains the mandate of IATF/DR, i.e. to be the main forum for continued and concerted emphasis on disaster reduction. As such, it serves as the global forum for disaster reduction and provide, in the coming years, strategic guidance and coherence for implementing the Hyogo Framework, and for sharing experiences and expertise among all its stakeholders. In line with the current arrangements for the IATF/DR, the USG chaired the Global Platform.  It will normally convene every two years in Geneva and at any other time as proposed by the Chair.


Thematic support for the GP/DRR
Based and building on existing networks, clusters and other mechanisms, a number of self-organized thematic platforms mainly composed of technical and scientific bodies have already been established which are expected to participate actively in the strengthened ISDR system and provide thematic support to the Global Platform.

It is also proposed that the Global Platform set up a Science Committee to guide and strengthen the scientific and technical basis of the ISDR. The proposed Committee will advocate and guide the necessary actions related to scientific and technical issues within the ISDR system, including related matters of innovation, such as setting agendas and priority questions, initiating studies and reports, and proposing the establishment of panels, working groups or other means to carry out those actions, subject to the consent or authorisation of the Global Platform.