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Through the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE), the United States is supporting vulnerable developing countries around the world to build resilience to the impacts of the climate crisis, including those from sea-level rise.
United States of America - government
Channel conveyance is calculated by measuring the depth and width of a river channel. Most hydrologic models assume that channel conveyance is constant, but this is based on periodic measurements that can be taken decades apart.
Geological Society of America, the
The city has 220 public schools, and thanks to the Trust for Public Land's (TPL's) Green Community Schoolyards programme, the asphalt playgrounds of these schools will be transformed into parks and green spaces, starting from one school to the next.
Climate Adaptation Platform
Climate change is fueling more severe weather, and insurers are responding to rising damage claims. The losses are exacerbated by more frequent extreme weather disasters striking densely populated areas, rising construction costs.
Conversation Media Group, the
For the past three years, undergraduate students in the Rosenstiel School have investigated how information on devastating landfalling hurricanes is created, shared, and used within a complete warning system.
University of Miami
Sea level rise in Tangier VA
The U.S. Global Change Research Program officially released the new site that pairs a dynamic delivery of the latest research on sea level change with foundational educational content.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Cover and source: White House
Policies and plans
The first-ever National Climate Resilience Framework establishes a vision for a climate-resilient nation and guidance for resilience-related activities and investments by the federal government and its partners.
Panoramic view of Hoover Dam and Mike O'Callaghan - Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge between Arizona and Nevada over Colorado River, USA
Research briefs
The Framework for Narrative Storylines and Impact Classification (FRNSIC) tool can help decision-makers explore many plausible futures and identify consequential scenario storylines - or descriptions of what critical futures might look like
Pennsylvania State University

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