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A resilient surface frontal zone lying between the Rockies and Appalachians has been oscillating north and south during much of May.
Yale Climate Connections
Research briefs
Climate change will dramatically impact streamflow and its contributions to the Colorado River by increasing forest water use and reducing groundwater levels, new study finds
Desert Research Institute (DRI)
Working together, NASA and IBM Research have developed a new artificial intelligence model to support a variety of weather and climate applications.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
A farmer overlooking his dried up field.
A study finds more frequent droughts challenge the accuracy of classifications tied to aid.
Dartmouth College
Research briefs
The region’s sandy coastlines are vanishing at an alarming rate. It’s a warning sign for coastal communities worldwide, USC research suggests.
University of Southern California
After a wildfire, loss of canopy vegetation and changes to soil properties can occur that leads to more water flowing over land during rainfall. This can lead to flooding, erosion, and the movement of sediment, ash, pollutants and debris to surface water
United States Geological Survey
Research briefs
A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey shows that up to two thirds of Southern California’s beaches could disappear by 2100 if sea levels rise 3 to 6 feet, which according to the State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document is likely.
University of California, Irvine
NASA’s “Wildfire Digital Twin” project will equip firefighters and wildfire managers with a superior tool for monitoring wildfires and predicting harmful air pollution events and help researchers observe global wildfire trends more precisely.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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