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Policies and plans

A declaration, adopted by 19 climate vulnerable countries, reaffirming the commitment by climate vulnerable countries to focus on adaptation, particularly in the short term in order to minimise immediate danger, and calling on developed countries to

Amidst growing concerns about drought crises in some of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Pacific, the Government of Tuvalu today began a three-week nationwide needs assessment of water, agriculture and health facilities.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific
Pacific small island states most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change will benefit from a new climate resilience project (worth €11.4 million) funded by the European Union and to be implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community over the next four years....
Pacific Community
Documents and publications

This publication contains abstracts (mainly in English, some in French) from papers presented at the fourth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change which was held on 21-27 February 2010 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The

Educational materials

The notes and activities in the Survival Island kit take the issue of six major natural disasters in the Pacific to the classroom so students can relate to them and learn how to tackle them.

This educational kit was put together under the 'Reducing

Representatives of ten Pacific governments will gather in Palau later this week to discuss how countries can increase their access to climate funds and use them sustainably and effectively deliver climate change adaptation initiatives. Learn more on disaster risk reduction investment at the Global Platform...
United Nations Development Programme - Pacific Centre
The Government of Kiribati KAPII project is supported by the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility, AusAID and the New Zealand Aid Programme and is aimed at reducing Kiribati’s vulnerability to climate change, climate variability and sea-level rise...
World Bank, the
The World Bank Board today approved the first Country Assistance Strategy for Kiribati. The strategy, which was developed in consultation with government, donors and civil society, puts climate change at the centre of the three-year plan...
World Bank, the

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