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Migration as an adaptive measure: Mohamed Nasheed, president of the Maldives, has spoken openly about moving all 370,000 residents to another country if, as looks likely, rising waters cover the islands, most of which are less than 1.5m above sea level...
The New Humanitarian
Policies and plans
The NCCS will provide a coherent and consolidated response to climate change. This strategic document will remain a “working” document intended to be updated and revised on an ongoing basis in response to new challenges and opportunities.
Documents and publications

These preliminary assessments suggest that extensive damage was done by the tsunami to all coral reefs in northern and eastern island groups that have carbonate frameworks. It might be that this is also the case for outer atolls and islands, and surveys

Documents and publications

Beginning about mid-day on 26 December, 2004 and continuing into the following day, numerous tsunami waves impacted the coast of the Seychelles archipelago. This study was undertaken to document the timing, elevation, and effects of these waves on the

Documents and publications

The Seychelles island group was struck by a series of powerful tidal surges, resulting from the tsunami, generated by the earthquake off Indonesia on 26 December 2004. As a direct consequence of these tidal surges two people lost their lives, and hundreds

Documents and publications

In the early stages of the tsunami disaster, regional coordination of logistics, procurement humanitarian coordination, information systems, resources allocation, and management were essential to respond to the vast needs throughout the tsunami affected

Documents and publications

This publication provides 35 good practices and lessons learned as concrete examples of how to make children safer in their classrooms and educate them about disasters.

Documents and publications
This report is the product of close cooperation between UNEP and national environmental authorities and experts. It provides a preliminary ground-level look at the tsunami’s impact on various sectors of the region’s environment. It highlights problems in need of immediate attention, underscoring the strong link between environment and sustainable livelihood and the need for improved early warning and disaster preparedness systems.

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