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Under a deal with Rwanda struck in April, Britain intends to relocate people who arrive on its shores illegally to the East African nation, more than 4,000 miles (6,400 km) away
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications
This report highlights key interventions that are needed in Rwanda to strengthen climate resilience in the context of country’s development priorities and its commitments under the Paris Agreement.
People crossing a flood river in Durban floods, South Africa (2022)
A new study published by Arup has revealed the “sponginess”, or natural ability to absorb rainwater, of five cities’ urban centres across Africa. This comes as leaders at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh turn their attention to Water Day.
Arup International Development
Policies and plans
The primary objective of this preparedness plan for emergency shelters is to enhance the capacity and readiness of the Government and stakeholders to respond timely to the shelter needs in events of disaster.
Policies and plans
The Rwandan emergency preparedness plan for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) guides the Government of Rwanda and its partners to prepare for and respond to emergencies which disrupt WASH services.
Policies and plans
The purpose of this National Disaster Preparedness Plan for the Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) Sector in Rwanda is to establish a comprehensive multi-hazard approach to a spectrum of activities in disaster preparedness.
Policies and plans
This National Preparedness Plan for Search, Rescue and Evacuation plan will allow the country to put in place the required readiness actions and anticipate coordination structures.
Documents and publications
This note describes an analytical approach that can help prioritize investments in urban transport resilience and public transport, while also strengthening the economic case for such investments.

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