SE3: Refining the Agenda? Disaster Risk Reduction in Times of Climate Change

  • ID: SE3
  • Date & Time: Tuesday 10 May (12:15 - 13:15)
  • Room: 18
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Organized by the German National Platform (DKKV) and United Nations University-EHS


How can the disaster risk reduction community address the envisaged effects of climate-related extreme events on humanitarian and development assistance? Experts from both fields will provide their insights on what they can contribute in order to make disaster risk reduction work in the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Concept under changing climatic conditions. Are all tools of disaster risk reduction equally important and useful in this context? Are there possibilities to enhance existing tools? Suggestions of how to address the quality aspect in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; and how to translate concepts into action will be presented.

Background Papers

> Agenda Side Event "Refining the Agenda?" - Disaster Risk Reduction in Times of Climate Change [PDF, 69.91 Kb]

> Adaptive Disaster Risk Reduction (2011) [PDF, 5.92 Mb]

> Refining the Agenda? (2011) [PDF, 4.38 Mb]

> Diskussionsbeitrag Botschafter Dr. Georg Birgelen "The humanitarian challenge of climate change and the role of disaster risk reduction" [PDF, 67.96 Kb]

> Speaking points - Andreas Gies (BMZ UAL 40) [DOCX, 31.32 Kb]


> Disaster risk reduction in times of climate change; a Pacific perspective [PDF, 2.66 Mb]

> Refining the Agenda? Disaster Risk Reduction in Times of Climate Change [PDF, 1.69 Mb]


> Report on the Refining the Agenda? Disaster Risk Reduction in Times of Climate Change Side Event [PDF, 145.41 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020