TS11: World Reconstruction Conference Thematic Session 11: Innovations in Disaster and Climate Risk Financing for Developing Countries

  • ID: TS11
  • Date & Time: Thursday 12 May (10:45 - 12:30)
  • Room: 18
  • Participation: Open


Many disaster fi nancing instruments are available to increase the financial resilience of developing countries against natural disasters. These mechanisms refl ect the diverse needs of countries, tailored to different macroeconomic profi les (e.g. small versus large geographic spread, low versus middle-income). Despite this range of potential solutions, gaps remain in where they can be used and the extent to which they are accessible. In this session new ideas will be explored on how disaster risk fi nancing can meet the challenges of growing global economic and fi scal exposure to natural disasters.

Last updated: 04 December 2020