SE16: Success Stories in Inter-Agency Preparedness and the Way Forward

  • ID: SE16
  • Date & Time: Tuesday 10 May (12:15 - 13:15)
  • Room: 6
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Organized by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Sub-Working Group on Preparedness


Years of concerted effort and cooperation among members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee have established a solid basis for preparedness response. Having achieved a measure of success at deploying humanitarian action, members are working together to keep apace of changes in the external environment. This side-event, organized by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Sub-Working Group on Preparedness, highlights examples of collective success in multi hazard contingency planning, emergency simulations, early warning-early action, and development of national and local response capacities. Globally applicable recommendations will be presented for strengthening preparedness to advance the disaster risk reduction agenda and to safeguard development investments and gains.

Background Papers


> Committee of emergency situation and civil defense under the government of Tajikistan [PDF, 1.39 Mb]


> Report on the Success Stories in Inter-Agency Preparedness and the Way Forward Side Event [PDF, 175.48 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020