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Disaster risk deduction programme coordinator

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Background and context

Following an evaluation in 2005 after the Boxing Day tsunami, the French Red Cross (FRC) decided to open a bilateral delegation to the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) in Yangon. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the FRC and the MRCS on the 6th March 2007, after approximately 18 months of negotiations (the MoU was validated by the Minister of Health, the Attorney General, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs)

This MoU permitted the FRC to send a delegate to open the delegation in July 2007. The FRC then worked in collaboration with the MRCS to develop activities in the sector of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the region of Ayeryarwady (Delta), relatively close to the capital (Yangon). This zone had been affected by the Boxing Day Tsunami.

The development of the DRR programme was temporarily suspended as a result of Cyclone Nargis (May 2008). During the response to Cyclone Nargis, the FRC worked closely with the MRCS to establish emergency, relief and early recovery projects. Watsan/HP, Livelihoods and Health projects were implemented in the township of Mawlamyinegyun from July 2008 to April 2010.

In November 2008, after the initial response to Cyclone Nargis, the development of the DRR programme was restarted. The programme was officially launched in January 2009 with the long term goal to establish a DRR unit within the MRCS and to extend the geographical coverage to all the coastal regions (Ayeyarwady, Rakhine, Yangon, Bago, Mon and Taninyatharyi). The programme duration was established as 5 years (2009 to 2013)

In 2009, a partnership between the Canadian Red Cross Society (CRCS) and the FRC was established. Under the basis of a bilateral programme agreement, the CRCS co-finances the DRR programme and provides technical delegates and support as needed.

The 5 years DRR programme has been underway for more than three years, having been implemented in 5 townships (2 regions), with 4 townships underway (2 region/state). The MRCS DRR staff members are well trained and have achieved a certain degree of autonomy. Due to difficulties faced by the programme concerning access to certain regions (Rakhine), the intended rate of implementation slowed down. Following the 2011 Midterm Review, recommending to strengthen the action in the previously targeted townships, the target of covering the six coastal regions/states was reduced to four regions/state allowing the DRR team to go back in the previously targeted township in 2013.

From mid 2009 to mid 2010, the programme was supported by two DRR delegates, one coordinator and one delegate; however the MRCS team has evolved to the point where two delegates are no longer necessary. The current FRC team consists of one programme coordinator (delegate); one program officer and one program support officer, who work to support the MRCS DRR Unit team which consists of 5 persons at MRCS headquarters and approximately 18 persons in the field. The DRR programme is also supported by the FRC logistics and administration departments.

Programme’s objectives

To Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation

• To advocate and promote DRR initiatives in country
• To strengthen the DRR capacities of MRCS head quarter and local Branches
• To strengthen DRR capacities of all multi stakeholders at national , divisional and local levels

To Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks, and enhance early warning

• To assess and identify the communities at high risk / medium risk and low risk at divisional, township & tract levels towards natural disasters.
• To improve end to end early warning system especially for the “last miles gap”.

To Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels

• To raise awareness towards natural hazards among mass public, communities at risk , authorities & all others stakeholders.
• To increase hazards and risks Knowledge among children and teacher.

To Reduce the Underlying risk factors

• To establish mechanisms for increasing the resilience of the most vulnerable
• To promote more safety building and protection of critical facilities
• To incorporate DRR in natural resources management

To Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels

• To develop a common understanding and activities of disaster preparedness at township & Community levels
• To assess preparedness capacities & mechanisms
• To strengthen disaster preparedness at villages and house hold levels

Position’s objectives

The DRR Programme Coordinator will work towards the following objectives,

• All elements of the programme are working effectively to deliver the commitments which FRC has undertaken in a timely, efficient and economical manner
• Myanmar FRC DRR intervention strategy remains relevant; pertinent and effective; quality proposals and/or concept papers are prepared
• FRC is represented effectively in the DRR sector, both within the RC Movement and externally
• FRC and MRCS DRR departments are supported with technical and project management inputs
• FRC HoD receives precise context analysis covering humanitarian and social aspects in Myanmar, and precisely, on other needs not covered by the current projects.

Concerning the FRC/CRCS 2009-2013 DRR project, the objectives will be as follows, in collaboration with the MRCS and IFRC in order to promote ownership and sustainability of the programme

• To ensure the implementation of the activities for the 5 years project.
• To monitor the FRC DRR strategy laid out for 5 years and to adapt of the strategy according the needs and strategy of the MRCS.
• To provide continuous technical training and support for the national staff recruited for the DRR program.
• To provide quality and timely reports to FRC and the CRCS.

Hierarchic management

The DRR Programme Coordinator will be under the authority of the FRC Myanmar Head of Delegation for all operational matters, with an indirect reporting, functional line to the CRCS.

• Line Manager : FRC Head of Delegation Myanmar

• Employees under direct supervision: 1 FRC Programme Officer, 1 FRC Programme Support Officer

Functional management

The DRR Programme Coordinator is under the Technical Supervision of:

• The FRC Regional DRR Advisor based in Bangkok (if the position is filled)
• And/or of: The FRC DRR Department in Paris
• The CRCS DRR Technical Advisor in Ottawa (possible contacts with CRCS DRR experts in the region).

The DRR Programme Coordinator has a strong reporting, functional link, through the Head of Delegation, with the CRCS Programme Manager and Programme Associate especially on technical, programming and financial inputs.

The DRR Programme Coordinator has as well functional links and will also work closely and in collaboration with:

• The MRCS Disaster Management Head of Division (and his deputy)
• The MRCS DRR Unit staff (especially the Program Coordinator)
• The IFRC DM Delegate
• The FRC Delegation Support Departments (FRC Logistics and Administrative, HR & Finance Managers)


• General Management
• Representation
• Technical and Management Support to Programme
• Strategic Planning/Evaluations
• Financial Management
• Reporting



• English (written and oral) is mandatory
• Working knowledge of French would be an important asset
• Knowledge of the Myanmar language would be also an asset

Capacity and skills

• Must be patient
• Flexibility in working days and hours
• Must know how to work as part of a team and be able to interact easily with team members of different nationalities.
• Good reporting and communication skills
• Autonomous, adaptable, polyvalent
• Open Minded
• Diplomatic

Professional experience and training

• At least 4 years’ experience in humanitarian/development sector (highly recommended), in Disaster Risk Management, specifically Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction
• Experience in programme management – operational planning, human resources management, internal training, budget control and monitoring and evaluation
• Training in Disaster Risk Management (emergency response, prevention, mitigation, preparedness and risk education)
• Training in community development (multi-sector)
• Training of Trainers (theoretical trainings or professional experience)
• Knowledge and/or training of the Red Cross Movement would be preferable (BTC/IMPACT)


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