Practical Information

Please find below practical information and responses to frequently asked questions about the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Also note that participants are requested to arrange their own travel, visa, and hotel bookings for their stay in Geneva.


Participating in the Event

Who attends the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction?

There are different participation groups at the Global Platform; these include:

  • Member States of the United Nations Invitations have been sent through the Permanent Missions in Geneva and New York. Persons wishing to become part of their national delegation should contact their National Focal Point for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action and/or the Ministry of External Relations or Foreign Affairs.
  • NGOs and civil society organizations: NGOs, NGO Networks and Civil Society Organizations that received invitations to attend the second session in June 2009 have received an invitation to participate in the third session. Invitations have been addressed to the Head of the Organization, which will be charge of designating an official delegation.
  • United Nations Specialized Agencies and Programmes: Invitations have been sent to the Head of each UN Partner Agency and Programme, who will be invited to nominate relevant technical experts within their Agency. These nominees will then be considered part of the agency�s delegation to the Global Platform.
  • Regional bodies, international financial institutions, the private sector, scientific and academic communities and technical institutions that received invitations to attend the second session in June 2009 have been invited to the Third Session of the Global Platform.

Requests for participation by other expert organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Given the nature and purpose of the Global Platform, participation is limited. Only organizations that have demonstrated a strong and continued engagement in disaster risk reduction and implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, including involvement in ISDR regional and thematic platforms which have wide representation and outreach at international level, will be considered.

How can I register?

All participants will be requested to register as part of one of the Global Platform delegations. Delegations include National Delegations, UN and International Organizations, Regional Intergovernmental Organizations, NGOs, Academia & Research, Private Sector, News & Media, Networks and others. Please register under your relevant delegation directly from 15 January 2011 onwards through the Global Platform website. Closing date for online registration is 20 April 2011. Electronic registration is a prerequisite for entering the Platform and badge collection which will be open from Sunday 8 May at the Conference Centre (CICG).

The World Reconstruction Conference is an integral part of the Global Platform, such that registration is the same. By registering for the Global Platform, you are also registering for the World Reconstruction Conference.

>> Register here.

What should be the size of my delegation?

Countries should check with their National Platform Focal Point and/or Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) Focal Point about the size and composition of the delegation. Given the main theme outlined in the Second Announcement we are strongly encouraging the presence local government and community representatives. Given the importance and urgency of advancing the implementation of the Hyogo Framework, Governments and organizations are encouraged to send high level representatives so as to ensure an interesting exchange and debate during the session as well as a strong and effective follow-up action. Individuals are requested to contact their National HFA Focal Points.

How much are the Global Platform fees?

No conference fees will be charged. Participants will need to cover their own lodging and travel expenses.

How can I connect with others attending the conference?

Visit UNISDR�s 2011 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Facebook Event

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Accessing News and Information

Where do I find a timetable of the Global Platform?

To find out more about the programme, visit the Programme section.

Will there be regular updates on the Global Platform?

News items will be regularly published on the Global Platform homepage.

You can also follow UNDRR on Twitter ( or join UNDRR on Facebook (

How can I contribute to the outcomes to the Global Platform?

We call for early submissions from stakeholder groups. Stay tuned!

How can I present my project at the Global Platform?

There will be different types of opportunity to present your project:

  • Booth for the market place
  • City poster
  • Risk poster
  • Film and project poster

Stay tuned for description and application information.

Where can I learn about previous Sessions of the Global Platform?

Global Platform 2009 website Global Platform 2007 website

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Using Event Materials

Do you have photos of Global Platform that I can use?

Photos will be provided on the UNDRR Flickr account. They can be downloaded and used free of charge on condition that the photos are credit is given.

Photos from 2009 Global Platform can be downloaded here.

May I use the official logo of UNDRR?

Use of the UNDRR logo requires written authorization from the UNDRR secretariat.

May I use the official Global Platform logo?

Use of the Global Platform logo requires written authorization from the UNDRR secretariat.

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Press and Media

How can I request media accreditation for the Conference?

The UN Press Corps will be automatically accredited on presentation of their UN badge. Other journalist must provide proof of credentials to receive a badge to attend the meeting.

Is there a press section?

For further information, visit the Media Centre.

Can I redistribute your press releases?

Yes, you may redistribute the press releases of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Can I link my website to the conference website?

Yes, you may link your website to the conference website.

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Basic Information

Where will the Global Platform be held?

The Conference is held at the International Conference Centre Geneva
Address: 17 rue de Varemb�, CH - 1211 Gen�ve 20, Switzerland.
Opening hours: 0700 to 1900 daily
Visit to find out how to get to the Conference Centre

How to access the International Conference Centre Geneva?

The welcome desk will be open from 8.00 a.m. A badge, which should be worn at all times to gain access to the meeting room, will be issued at the Conference Centre. The Global Platform will start at 9.00 a.m. Please ensure that you allow at least 15 mn to register before the meeting starts.

Will accommodation for participants be provided in Geneva?

Participants are requested to arrange their own hotel bookings for their stay in Geneva, and should contact their Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva or Geneva office for assistance, as required. Early booking and accommodation is advised, as other large events are scheduled to take place in Geneva around the same date.

Hotels can be found on the following websites: (around Geneva's lake) (10-50 kms from Geneva) (60 kms from Geneva)

Additional accommodation may be available in neighbouring France, with good public transport options that will require between 20 and 60 minutes of travel.

>Click here for a list of hotel rooms at the UN rate until 31 March 2011
>Click here for a general list of hotels and their rates (includes hotels in nearby France)

How can I get from the airport?

The access is facilitated by good public transport services. The International Conference Centre Geneva is situated only 5 kilometres away from the international airport and from the Cornavin main railway station, in downtown. Public transport from Cornavain main railway station :
Bus n�5 : Bus stop "Vermont"
Bus n�8 : Bus stop "UIT"
Tramway n�13 and n�15 : Stop "Nations"

Public transport from the international airport :
Bus n�5 : Bus stop "Vermont"
Bus n�28 : Bus stop "Nations "

Click here for the site Transports Publics Genevois (TPG)

Where should I park during the Global Platform?

There are parking garages as well as street parking around the conference area.

How can I obtain a Visa?

By clicking on the link indicated hereafter, you will find all information that you might need in regard to your visa questions / application for Switzerland, such as :

  • List indicating which nationalities need a visa to enter Switzerland
  • List of the residence permits issued by Schengen Member States allowing you to enter Switzerland without a visa (as long as traveling with a valid travel document)
  • Visa application form
  • List of travel documents entitling the holder to cross the external borders and which may be endorsed with a visa.
  • List of the of all Swiss representations with links and addresses. Please consult this list in order to know which Embassy or Consulate General is competent for your place of residence. There might be some countries where there is no Swiss representation. In this case, the visa request might have to be lodged in another country where the competent representation is located.
  • Etc...
> click here

It is very important that if you need a visa to enter Switzerland, you contact the Swiss representation competent for your place of residence as soon as possible as the procedure can in certain cases take several weeks and up to two months.

Please make sure that when applying for a visa, you are a registered conference participant. No application will be handled prior to registration.

The competent Swiss representation for your place of residence is able to provide you with a list of necessary documents needed for your visa application.

Upon request and when necessary, the UNDRR Secretariat can provide a written confirmation of registration which the registered participants (non governmental officials) can submit to the respective Swiss representations.

Official participants nominated by their respective governments must provide an official verbal note from their Ministry. A written confirmation of registration is in this particular case not necessary.

Please send all visa requests including a confirmation from your government or National Platform Focal Point about your inclusion into your National Delegation to [email protected].

Who should I contact if I have other questions?

Queries on the preparations may also be made to:
Ms. Connie Brown - Tel: +41 22 91 78908
Ms. Elena Dokhlik - Tel: +41 22 91 78861
Fax: +41 22 91 78964
[email protected]

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Last updated: 15 December 2020