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Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Equatorial Guinea, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
guidance note on use of risk profiles cover
Documents and publications

In 2018, as part of the “Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub-Saharan African Regions, Countries and Communities” programme, UNDRR, with the help of CIMA Research Foundation, VU Amsterdam, and Wageningen University and Research developed

Documents and publications

This paper argues that there is a need for a new policy framing that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) investment is imperative that will generate dividends for governments and society at large. Under the auspice of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk

Disaster Risk Reduction Investment in Africa Synthesis– cover page
Documents and publications
This report synthesises trends in DRR investments across the 16 countries and identifies general policy recommendations. Its aim is to improve understanding of public budgeting for DRR .
Equatorial Guinea cover page
Documents and publications

This report provides an analysis of public investment planning for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the level of public investment in DRR in Equatorial Guinea. It does this by means of a risk-sensitive budget review (RSBR) that applies the OECD DAC DRR

Documents and publications
This country risk profile for Equatorial Guinea provides a comprehensive view of hazard, risk and uncertainties for floods and droughts in a changing climate, with projections for the period 2050-2100.
The Security Council, convening to discuss the nexus between climate change and conflicts around the globe, considered several concrete proposals to guide the 15-member organ’s efforts — or those of other United Nations entities — on that evolving and increasingly critical issue.
United Nations - Headquarters
The FAO is supporting ten projects across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and South America to lay the groundwork for climate-resilient adaptation initiatives, funded by the Green Climate Fund's (GCF) Readiness Programme. One of the overall aims is to support countries in adapting their agriculture and food security systems to the effects of climate change.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters

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