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Aimed at helping communities most vulnerable to climate variability and change, the collaboration will expand on their joint 2008 commitment focused on using risk reduction and risk transfer skills to improve financial and food security for farmers within within the drought-prone village of Adi Ha, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia....
Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re)
Photo by Flikr user, Danny Sullivan, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
The Cities and Resilience Dialogue, an initiative from the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), encourages local City leaders and their national counterparts to discuss climate change resilience...
Rockefeller Foundation, the
"The water shortage is worsening," said Rameshwar Shrestha, spokesman for the Upatyaka Khanepai Limited (KUKL), a government body responsible for supplying drinking water to Kathmandu's two million people...
The New Humanitarian
Policies and plans

(in French)

Rapport de la deuxième phase

Le groupe de travail interministériel sur l’évaluation des impacts du changement climatique, du coût des dommages et des mesures d’adaptation, piloté par l’Observatoire National sur les Effets du Réchauffement

Documents and publications

This book details the early warning signs and adverse impact that climate change is having on homes and other buildings, and offers first-aid responses and more permanent measures to increase the resiliency of these structures.

Documents and publications

This guidebook gives disaster preparedness tips, considering four key hazards in Indonesia: earthquake, tsunami, flood and volcanic eruptions.

Photo copyright Washington State Dept. of Transportation
A large part of the workshop will be dedicated to avalanche protection and risk management. Among technologies to be shown will be new portable sensors for recording avalanche flow properties...
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
Photo by Flikr user Sam Rich, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic
The Caribbean Net News reports on technical cooperation agreements recently signed by the Guyana government and the Inter-American Development Bank which will see Guyana’s efforts to improve disaster risk and flood management...
Caribbean Net News

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