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A second regional meeting, organized by CEPREDENAC and sponsored by the Disaster Prevention Fund, Spain and SICA, was held this week in Guatemala City, with the aim of building an agenda for ethnic and gender equity in disaster risk reduction in Central America...
Guatamalan Times, the
The Associated Press of Pakistan reports on an event held this week by NOMA and NIDM, with the aim of building the capacity of government and civil society organizations for flood preparedness...
Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation
Documents and publications

This case study suggests recommendations for management of risks induced by climate change in the mountain regions of South-west China: (i) use climate science to facilitate stakeholder dialogue for local adaptation and incorporate state afforestation

Documents and publications

This case study documents and assesses the local and/or traditional practices of communities which culture, customs, beliefs, indigenous knowledge systems and skills have enabled them to survive water stresses and cope with hazards and disasters over the

Documents and publications

This case study documents and assesses how people in the Koshi basin, Bihar, India, respond to water stress and hazards in the context of climate variability and change. It asserts that conventional flood-control measures have not only altered the

Documents and publications

This case study attempts to understand the strategies that communities in selected locations of the Koshi basin in Nepal have used to adapt to the stresses imposed by climatic hazards. These stresses are described generally as ‘too much water’ and ‘too

Documents and publications

This case study documents and assesses people’s responses to flash floods and water stresses in two union councils respectively, Shishikoh and Mulkhow, in Chitral district, Pakistan. It aims to identify and assess adaptation strategies to climate-induced

Documents and publications

This report presents five case studies carried out to document adaptation strategies at local or community level to constraints and hazards related to water and induced by climate change in the Himalayan region. It highlights people’s efforts to respond

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