Meetings and conferences

Co-creating action-oriented adaptation research and evidence based action

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  • English


22:00-23:00 GMT+6


ARA’s approach to co-creation involves inviting multiple stakeholders, such as community members, researchers, funders, practitioners, and policymakers, into collaborative knowledge generation and programme design processes. Each stakeholder brings unique perspectives, knowledge, and experience. The ARA’s Co- creation Space provide an environment for those diverse perspectives and voices are part of the co-creation process.

The ARA has been holding three Co-creation Space throughout 2023. These Co- creation Spaces are on

  1. Smallholder Agriculture
  2. Urban Resilience a
  3. Empowering Universities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

This session will highlight the outputs of the co-creation processes to date and capture further insights on potential ways forward and opportunities for the collaboration in the co-creation.

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