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15th International Swiss Climate Summer School: Climate Risks - Coping with Uncertainty

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Swiss Climate Research, the network of leading Swiss institutions in climate research and education, invites young scientists to join high-profile climate researchers in a scenic Swiss Alpine setting for keynote lectures, workshops and poster sessions on the occasion of the 15th Swiss Climate Summer School 2016.

Scope of the summer school:

The 15th International Swiss Climate Summer School is focusing on the theme “Climate Risks – Coping with Uncertainty”. This theme has been chosen due to its paramount importance in terms of both scientific challenges and pressing societal concerns. Always with a focus on uncertainty, the specific topics include:

  • What is ‘dangerous climate change’?
  • Emergent climate risks and vulnerability
  • From global climate change to regional impacts
  • Economics of climate change and adaptation, geo-engineering
  • Ethical aspects, policy choices and policy making

The Summer School invites young researchers from all fields of climate research. The courses cover a broad spectrum of climate and climate impact research issues and foster cross-disciplinary links. Each topic includes keynote plenary lectures and workshops with in-depth discussion in smaller groups. All Summer School participants are expected to present a poster of their research and there will be ample opportunity for discussion.

Lecturers for keynotes and workshops (confirmed):

C. Beisbart, (U Bern, CH); R.A. Betts (U Exeter/Met Office Hadley Centre, UK); D. Bresch (SwissRE, CH); K. Frieler, (PIK, Germany); N. Gruber (ETH Zurich, CH); E. Hawkins (U Reading, UK); M. Hohl (Federal Office of Civil Protection, CH); K. Ingold (U Bern/EAWAG, CH); U. Lohmann (ETH Zurich, CH); N. Oreskes (Harvard U, USA); A. Patt (ETH Zurich, CH); O. Romppainen-Martius (U Bern, CH); G. Stephan (U Bern, CH); T.F. Stocker (U Bern, CH); P. Tschakert (UWA, Australia).

The Summer School is open to young researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs) worldwide. Participation is highly competitive and will be limited to a maximum of 70. The registration fee (1200 CHF) includes half board accommodation, excursion and teaching material. A small number of grants will be available for students from developing countries.

Deadline for applications: 20 January 2016

Successful applicants will be notified in February 2016.


Document links last validated on: 18 December 2019

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Country and region Switzerland Europe
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