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Ronald Jackson - UNDP Sára Csapó - UNDP
What if early warning systems are used to trigger the allocation of resources for social protection measures in times of crisis?
The primary goal of disaster risk reduction is prevention. But when that is not possible, then it is important to minimize the harm to people, assets and livelihoods through early warning systems.
To ensure access to early action for all, more needs to be done to scale up the approach, in particular by involving the private sector.
Beth Allen - UNDP Boukje Kistemake - UNDP
This blog reflects on the implications of structural inequalities for early warning, and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the affordability of early action for all.
Sára Csapó - UNDP Giordano Margaglio - UNDP
This blog story presents a scenario in which early warning systems become the path to preparedness for the next pandemic.
Ioana Creitaru - UNDP Beth Allen - UNDP
This blog explores how, in an uncertain world of fast-changing hazards, technological innovation can pave the road to a future where every person is protected by an early warning system.
“I realized I can add value and help as a woman”. Moana Kioa is the Principal Assistant Secretary for Disaster Risk Management at the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) in Tonga.
Louisa Yasukawa Austyn Campbell
According to a joint IDMC and ADB report, twelve out of 14 countries have introduced measures to prevent displacement in their policy and legal frameworks.
This World Humanitarian Day UNDRR is celebrating women leaders in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian action, who are working to build resilience in their communities.
Chintan Pandya
This article offers an overview of smart evacuation management systems – which make use of soft computing techniques – as a component of DRR strategies, including crowd monitoring, disaster prediction, evacuation modelling, and guidelines for evacuation.

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