Closing date:

Consultant: Climate change economist (international)

Phnom Penh or home based
United Nations Development Programme - Cambodia

This job posting has closed


UNDP-GEF funded project “Enabling Activities for the Preparation of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC” will enable the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to prepare its Second National Communication (SNC) to the Conference of the Parties (CoP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The SNC formulation project commenced in 2006 and has been extended to complete in first quarter 2010. The SNC is a continuation and an update of the work undertaken by Cambodia in preparing its Initial National Communication during 1999-2002.

The SNC concentrates on the sectors with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including energy, agriculture, industrial processes, waste, and land use change and forestry. Furthermore, it concentrates on sectors vulnerable to changing climate conditions, as identified in the National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) including agriculture, water resources, human health and the coastal zone. The main components of the ongoing SNC project are:

  1. an inventory of greenhouse gases (GHG);
  2. programmes containing measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to, and mitigation of climate change;
  3. programmes and plans that are considered relevant for the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; and
  4. preparation of the SNC of Cambodia to the CoP.

The SNC project has made substantial progress with the completion of the update to the Inventory of GHGs, and the data collection and analysis for assessment of vulnerability. The preparation of programmes containing measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of climate change are ongoing. Activites are also being undertaken to assist Cambodia achieve the objectives required by the Convention and also the identification of constraints and gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs. It is expected that the project will help improve national capacities for participation in the UNFCCC process.

In addition to these outputs, UNDP in partnership with other Development Partners is expanding the scope of the present SNC project. This SNC expansion will include:

    - expanded scope of analysis of economic impacts of Climate Change.
    - cost-benefit analysis of adaptation and mitigation plan options.
    - recommendations for policy and mainstreaming in sectors.
    - preparation of a National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

The National Human Development Report (NHDR) is an in-depth, independent, nationally-owned policy analysis document with the theme “Climate Change”. It is a tool for policy analysis reflecting people's priorities, strengthening national capacities, engaging national partners, identifying inequities and measuring progress. The report is commissioned and facilitated by UNDP and is presently under preparation with completion due in 2010. The NHDR will draw directly on the findings of the SNC, in particular the economic analysis and it is therefore necessary to coordinate closely with NHDR team in the design and preparation of this analysis.

A Climate Change Economist (CCE) is required to enhance the economic analysis capacity in the SNC team, to implement the SNC expansion activities (with inputs to NHDR) and, to support the production of the overall Communication. The post will seek to strengthen the UNDP’s existing support to the SNC team to improve policy capacity, improve coherence of outputs with National priorities, provide a more effective basis for policy development, coordination, advocacy and ensure timely delivery of key outputs. The CCE will therefore be responsible for:

    - ensuring appropriate and high quality economic analysis in all key section of SNC;
    - implementation of SNC expansion activities;
    - compilation, editing and production of Communication and other key outputs;

The CCE will report to the National Project Coordinator and the UNDP Environment and Energy Team Leader. The CCE will supervise consultant(s) and National team member(s) as required. Effective liaison with be required with the National Team Leaders (including Vulnerability and Adaptation Team Leader, and the Mitigation Team Leader), SNC Thematic Working Groups, SNC Advisor(s), NCCC Climate Change Advisor, UNDP Climate Change Advisor, UNDP NHDR Coordinator and Consultant(s).

Duties and responsibilities

The CCE will be responsible for all economic analysis activities required in the SNC project and SNC-Expansion activities. They will coordinate with the Vulnerability and Adaptation Team to ensure effective implementation of all technical activities relating to the development of detailed socio-economic perspective on climate change impacts and planning options at a national and sub-national level. Similiary, the CCE will coordinate with the Mitigation Team Leader to provide costing and cost-benefit analysis of mitigation plan options. The CCE will assist in the formulation of adaptation and mitigation plans and policy recommendations.

The results of the economic analysis will form part of Cambodia's SNC activity and will be reviewed by three Thematic Working Groups (TWG) on Adaptation, Mitigation and Technology Transfer. The TWGs are responsible for the key outputs of the SNC and are facilitated by the National Team Leaders. They comprise of Government counterparts from other concerned ministries/agencies and local and/or regional/international experts. The CCE will support the TWGs via the Vulnerability and Adaptation National Team Leader and Mitigation National Team Leader where possible with a focus on capacity strengthening of the Government counterparts, mainly through on-the-job training.

1. Advance scoping and ground work while focusing on national capacity development:

- Review existing literature, data and experience relating to Cambodia including the ongoing activities of the SNC, with regards socio-economic analysis of the impacts of climate change; adaptation and mitigation options and associated cost benefit analysis.
- Identify research and data gaps, prepare and support data collection and research by National Teams and/or consultants/researchers if necessary to fill the gaps.
- Based on the timeline and key milestones suggested by SNC Project Coordinator, and in collaboration with the NHDR Coordinator, prepare and agree an Inception Report which clearly outlines the CCE’s understanding of the work to be done: including scope of analysis and activities; key issues and risks; updates to the results framework for the SNC; and detailed work plan of activities for integration with the overall SNC and NHDR workplans.
- Design and execute the research, data collection, analysis and write-up processes in such a way as to support the TWGs, build national and sub-national ownership and capacity development. In particular, work with the National Team Leader for Vulnerablity and Adaptation to expand the scope of present micro-economic analysis from 1 to 3 or 4 provinces and ensure effective analysis of all key-sectors; and undertake macro-economic analysis for policy development.
- Organize a training workshop on the use of available methods and tools for socio-economic analysis and cost-benefit analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation plans; and mitigation plan options. The workshop will target CCO staff and other national counterparts in other Ministries (notably Ministry of Economics and Finance).
- Identify and advise CCO and UNDP on other specific training needs if any.

2. Undertake the analysis and support the documentation process to an high standard and ensure approach to analysis contributes to addressing national policy priorities:

- Drawing as much as possible on national capacity and resources, and with operational and technical support from National Project Coordinator prepare findings and assist with integration into the TWG outputs as necessary.
- In particular, the CCE will undertake analysis and provide inputs to the activities led by the National Team Leaders to ensure the following are undertaken,

Analysis of costs of climate change and adaptation

The analysis must contribute to the preparation of the Vulnerability Assessment and, the National Adaptation Plan. The analysis will include, but not be limited to:

- Investigate the economic, social and environmental consequences of climate change, taking into account the risks of increased climate variability and major irreversible impacts, and interaction with other air pollutants.
- Examine the impact of climate change scenarios on economic growth and development objectives, including distributional impacts on the poorest.
- Identify the most vulnerable sectors of the economy as well as geographic areas subject to climate change impacts.
- Quantify, as far as possible, the impacts and adaptation costs expected at different levels of global climate change mitigation, including taking no action (i.e. business as usual scenarios).
- Define scenarios for development and options for adaptation – especially in monetary terms; evaluate the cost of adaptation options for avoiding alternative levels of damage; determine the options for change in policies and business practices that would help to better adapt to climate change.

Analysis of costs of mitigation

The analysis will provide information on the costs of adopting low carbon development options and will be used in the preparation of the Mitigation Plan. The analysis will include, but not be limited to:

- Using information already compiled under the SNC on current and projected green house gas emissions in a business-as-usual scenario, estimate the likely carbon bill for the country based on existing socio-economic development forecasts.
- Support the National Team Leader for Mitigation in the preparation of different mitigation scenarios and the Mitigation Plan by,

  1. estimating the net-cost of national policies that promote the adoption of appropriate low carbon development options.
  2. Analyzing the short to long-term economic impacts of domestic action that lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (other than avoided adaptation costs), e.g. local co-benefits of reduced air pollution, security of energy supply, access to energy, forest management, energy efficiency, innovation, technology transfer, and competitiveness etc.
  3. Analyzing the potential incremental costs of movement towards low carbon energy options from current energy sources, including the impact of land-use changes and forestry.
  4. Estimating the costs to the national economy of reducing emissions under different timeframes and trajectories. For example, compare the same volume of reductions made in the next ten/twenty/fifty years, taking into account current policies, likely new investments in technology and infrastructure, and the impact of potential technological advances and technological transfer on costs.
  5. Comparing the cost-effectiveness of priority greenhouse gas mitigation measures with and without additional revenue streams from carbon market mechanisms.
    • Provide an overall economic assessment of the costs and benefits of moving to a low-carbon economy in the short, medium, and long-term.
    • In collaboration with the UNDP NHDR Coordinator and Co-author(s), prepare and integrate SNC findings into the NHDR as necessary. In particular, prepare at least 3 socio-economic sectoral discussion papers.
    • Promote high quality of analysis, data collection, analysis and presentation in the TWG outputs. Under the coordination of the National Team Leaders, provide well-written contributions and assist with integration of analysis into TWG outputs.
    • Support the National Team Leaders by providing editorial oversight to ensure well-written first, second and final drafts of all TWG English language outputs in a timely manner.
    • Support the National Team Leaders to facilitate review of results by the TWGs and other international/local experts.

3. In collaboration with National Team Leaders, facilitate consultations and preparation of policy recommendations:

- Together with National Team Leaders facilitate consultations with TWGs and key stakeholders to review preliminary findings, and discuss key messages and policy recommendations.
- Ensure concrete, sound and realistic policy messages – both long-term development vision as well as immediate action-oriented recommendations.
- The preparation of policy recommendations must include, but may not be limited to, consideration of the following:


- How can international financial flows further support adaptation to already committed climate change and climate-resilient development paths?
- What is the net-benefit of “no regret/low-regret” adaptation options for Cambodia? Over what time-scales?
- How can public and private capital be leveraged/enhanced to support efforts to both adapt to climate change and climate-resilient development paths and make cost-effective emissions reductions?


- How can Cambodia mitigate potential green house gas emissions in a cost-effective way while also meeting economic development objectives? What would be the cost and benefit of such a transition? Over what time-scale?
- How can international financial flows support efforts to move towards a lower carbon economy in Cambodia?
- How can new technologies and other low-carbon investments be financed?
- How can Cambodia’s participation in global / regional carbon markets be simplified, broadened, and expanded?
- In what sectors might enhanced international technology transfer and information sharing be needed? Aligning economic growth with human development
- What are the economic and business opportunities that will arise in Cambodia as a result of climate change and the emerging global economic regime?
- Where is Cambodia currently positioned in terms of taking advantage of those opportunities?
- What are policies/ business practices that may lead to taking advantage of those opportunities and promoting climate change and sustainable development?
- How can these opportunities be utilized to help meet Cambodia’s stated objectives within human development?

4. Ensure high quality of the overall outputs of the Communication as a credible and effective technical, policy, and communication tools:

- Conceptualize, prepare and arrange appropriate highlights, key chapter summaries, story boxes, issue notes, tables, figures, graphs and other creative graphics etc. throughout the texts as required.
- Ensure all raw data, references, studies and notes are professionally utilized and filed for handover to UNDP and CCO at the completion of the contract. Hard and soft copies to be provided as appropriate.
- Support the NCCC, Ministry of Environment, UNDP and NHDR Coordinator in the preparation of and/or execution of their respective communications activities associated with the Communication outputs as required.
- Upon request by National Project Coordinator or UNDP, contribute to the follow-up communication and advocacy process by serving as a key resource person at events.

Technical reports

- Provide editorial oversight and technical support to the TWGs, National Team Leaders and the National Project Coordinator, to produce high quality English language versions of the following SNC technical reports:

  1. National Circumstances Report;
  2. Vulnerability Assessment and National Adaptation Plan;
  3. Green House Gas Mitigation Analysis and Plan;
  4. Other information considered relevant to achievement of the objective of the UNFCCC;
  5. Constraints and gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs.

In consultation with NHDR Coordinator, prepare at least 3 sector-focussed economic discussion papers for inclusion in the NHDR.

Draft National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (NCCSAP)

Under the leadership of the NCCC via the NCCC National Advisor, and in collaborations with the National Project Coordinator, National Team Leaders and TWGs:

- Compile the draft NCCSAP based on the findings of the SNC, and other related documents and findings. This will include a focused executive summary with key messages;
- Support the National Project Coordinator to communicate the draft NCCSAP to NCCC, TWGs and other key stakeholders;
- Revise the 1st draft NCCSAP based on received comments;
- Participate in a national consultation workshop to review the 2nd draft NCCSAP as organized by the NCCC;

Support the NCCC National Advisor to prepare the final draft NCCSAP based on the comments from the national consultation workshop to ensure it is ready for sending to the NCCC Chair for formal endorsement by July 2010.

The communication

Under the leadership of the National Project Coordinator and in collaborations with the NCCC National Advisor, National Team Leaders and TWGs:

  1. Develop an outline of the Second National Communication based on Decision 17/CP.8;
  2. Prepare a well focused executive summary with key messages of the Communication for review by TWGs.
  3. In collaboration with National Team Leaders and NCCC National Advisor, compile the various chapters based on the TWG outputs and in compliance with UNFCCC guidelines:
    - Circulate the draft SNC to TWGs and other key stakeholders;
    - Revise the 1st draft SNC based on comments from the TWGs and stakeholders,
    - Participate in a national consultation workshop to discuss the 2nd draft SNC organized by the National Project Coordinator;
    - Support the National Project Coordinator to prepare the final draft SNC based on the comments from the national consultation workshop to ensure it is ready for sending to the NCCC Chair for formal endorsement with a target for submission of the signed Cambodia’s SNC to the UNFCCC CoP-16 by December 2010.

5. Ensure whole-of Government participation and perspectives in the process and final products.

Integrate and/or respond to comments received from National Team Leaders, TWG reviews, other stakeholder reviews and external peer reviewers. Promote alignement with national priorities and clear representation of a whole-of Government viewpoint.

- Overall, assist the National Project Coordinator to ensure compliance with the minimum standards of UNFCCC National Communications preparation throughout the process.
- Respond to and incorporate technical feedback and editorial comments provided by NCCC and National Project
- Coordinator, and flexibly accommodate additional requests with regard to the improvement of the final product and associated processes.

Outputs / deliverables:

  1. Detailed Inception Report including Work Plan (integrated into existing SNC Workplan) by end September 2009;
  2. Facilitate a training workshop on economic analysis of Climate Change at the National Climate Change Forum in mid October 2009 (provisionally October 19-21);
  3. High quality economic analysis and well edited English language versions of the following SNC technical reports by March 2010:
    - National Circumstances Report;
    - Vulnerability Assessment and National Adaptation Plan;
    - Green House gas Mitigation Analysis and Plan;
    - Other information considered relevant to achievement of the objective of the UNFCCC;
    - Constraints and gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs.
  4. At least 3 sector-focussed economic discussion papers for inclusion in the NHDR by March 2010.4. At least 3 sector-focussed economic discussion papers for inclusion in the NHDR by March 2010.
  5. A final draft National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan endorsed by TWGs, NCCC Advisor and key stakeholders and ready for submission to the NCCC by May 2010.
  6. A final draft SNC document of high standard with clear policy recommendations submitted to the NCCC for endorsement by June 2010 (NCCC to then prepare for CoP16).
  7. A Terminal Report including collated set of all materials used in the preparation of the outputs, including all background materials, data (in a database), models and all referenced reports well organised and provided for further use by NCCC, CCO, UNDP and stakeholders by August 2010.

Impact of Results:

The key results have an impact on the overall success and strengthening of the National Climate Change Committee and Climate Change Office programme of mainstreaming Climate Change in sectoral programmes, creation of strategic partnerships, enhancing national capacity and coordination, and reaching UNDAF/CPD objectives and the Government’s MDG targets.


Corporate competencies:

- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional competencies:

- Substantial knowledge and experience of the macro and micro- economic approaches, methods and tools required to analyze the impacts of Climate Change and to undertake appropriate economic analysis to assist in planning and policy development as relevant to least developed country contexts.
- Demonstrated capacity and substantial experience in dealing with policy and strategic issues related with economics, human development, rural development, natural resources management, climate change, private sector, aid coordination, etc.
- Substantive knowledge on diverse aspects of climate change, economic and natural resource governance, environmental economics and policies, with proven track record on policy advice, capacity development, research and writing in these areas.
- Experience in publishing academic research work and non-academic writing, guiding and mentoring a research team.
- Demonstrated experience in writing and producing complex, high quality publications in a team.

Knowledge management and learning

- Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example.
- Actively works towards continuing personal learning and develop
- Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Ability to lead and/or support technical teams in the collection and analysis of field data.
- Ability to lead and/or support strategic planning, results-based management and reporting.
- Ability to lead and facilitate multi-stakeholder consultations.

Management and leadership

- Substantial previous experience in working with a broad range of stakeholders on policy and strategic issues including rural communities, senior government officials, donor representatives and civil society.
- Demonstrated strong partnership building coordination and facilitation skills (oral and written).
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure.
- Diplomatic tact, cultural sensitivity and personal maturity.
- Proven networking, team-building, organizational and oral and written communication skills.
- Good mentoring skills and ability to motivate team members to reach high standard.
- Ability to work under pressure and strictly keep deadlines.
- Attention to details and high professionalism in producing credible outputs.
- Strong personal commitment to development work.

Required skills and experience


Masters degree or advanced degree in environmental economics, development economics, or another relevant branch of economics (PhD strongly preferred).

Experience and Requirements:

- At least 10 years professional experience in environment economics and climate change issues of which 5 years in developing countries;
- Superb knowledge of social, economic, environmental and climate statistics, including qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis;
- Excellent knowledge of climate models and current methodologies in use for developing cost estimates for the impacts of climate change;
- Experience in developing cost estimates, cost-benefit calculations, and/or cost curves in the areas of impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation;
- Experience and thorough understanding of relations within climate, agriculture, water, health, fisheries and energy sectors;
- Excellent analytic abilities applied to climate change-related research, as evidenced by relevant publications and project experience;
- Proven experience and knowledge of the institutional framework and the policies of climate change in South East Asia, particularly, Cambodia is an asset;
- Experience in the preparation of substantive technical and policy documents is essential; and track record in preparation of UNFCCC National Communications would be an advantage;
- Knowledge of UNDP knowledge products, particularly Human Development Reports would be an advantage.

Language requirement:

Excellent command of written and spoken English. Knowledge of the Khmer language will be an advantage.


- Ideally will be based in Cambodia, but if not, should have sufficient equipment and facility (computer and internet connection) to tele-commute and submit materials on a daily basis.
- Flexibility and willingness to travel to Cambodia frequently and undertake field trips is required.
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