Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

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RMS (Risk Management Solutions). 2013. The 2012
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Rockstrm, Johan, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Marcus C.
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Rockstrm, Johan, Will Steffen, Kevin Noone,
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Timothy M. Lenton, Marten Scheffer, Carl Fol-
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Cynthia A. de Wit, Terry Hughes, Sander van der
Leeuw, Henning Rodhe, Sverker Srlin, Peter K.
Snyder, Robert Costanza, Uno Svedin, Malin
Falkenmark, Louise Karlberg, Robert W. Corell,
Victoria J. Fabry, James Hansen, Brian Walker,
Diana Liverman, Katherine Richardson, Paul
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Rodriguez-Oreggia, Eduardo, Alejandro De La
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Salgado, Mario A., Daniela Zuloaga, Gabriel A.
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Sarmiento Prieto, Juan Pablo, Gabriela Hober-
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Sassen, Saskia. 2012. Cities in a World Economy.
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Satterthwaite, David and David Dodman. 2013.
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Schumacher, Ingmar and Eric Strobl. 2008. Eco-
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SCI (Save the Children International). 2014. The
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Background Paper prepared for the 2015 Glob-
al Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduc-
tion. Geneva, Switzerland: UNISDR.
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