Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

background image
ing Community in the Philippines. Paper pre-
sented at the ESF-UniBi-ZiF research confer-
ence on ‘Environmental Change and Migration:
From Vulnerabilities to Capabilities’, Bad Sal-
zuflen, Germany, December 5-9, 2010. COMCAD
Arbeitspapiere - Working Papers No. 105, 2011
Series on Environmental Degradation and Mi-
gration. Editors: Jeanette Schade and Thomas
Cavallo, Antonella and Vernon Ireland. 2014. Pre-
paring for Complex Independent Risks: A System
of Systems Approach to Building Disaster Resil-
ience. Input Paper prepared for the 2015 Global
Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Geneva, Switzerland: UNISDR.
Cavallo, Eduardo., Galiani, Sebastian., Noy, Ilan
and Pantano, Juan. 2009. Natural Disasters and
Economic Growth. November 10, 2009.
CDKN (Climate and Development Knowledge
Network). 2014. Risk-informed decision-making:
An agenda for improving risk assessments under
HFA2. CDKN Guide, April 2014.
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). 2013. Reducing
Risk and Driving Business Value. CDP Supply
Chain Report 2012-13. London.
CEO Risk Forum. 2012. CEO Risk Forum. Spring
CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina
y el Caribe). 1973. Informe sobre los daos y re-
percusiones del terremoto de la ciudad de Mana-
gua en la economía nicaragüense. Comité Ple-
nario, Séptima Reunión extraordinaria. Nueva
CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina
y el Caribe). 1976. Daos causados por el terre-
moto de Guatemala y sus repercusiones sobre el
desarrollo económico y social del país. Febrero
de 1976.
CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina
y el Caribe). 2010. Terremoto en Chile: Una prim-
era mirada al 10 de marzo de 2010.
Ceres. 2013. Insurer Climate Risk Disclosure Sur-
vey: 2012 Findings & Recommendations. March
2012. Authored by Sharlene Leurig and Andrew
Dlugolecki. Boston.
Chatenoux, B. and P. Peduzzi. 2013. Biomass fires:
preliminary estimation of ecosystems global
economic losses. Background Paper prepared
for the 2013 Global Assessment Report on Di-
saster Risk Reduction. Geneva, Switzerland:
Chelidze, T. 2013. Real Time Telemetric Monitor-
ing/Early Warning System of Large Dams. Input
Paper prepared for the 2015 Global Assess-
ment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. Ge-
neva, Switzerland: UNISDR.
Children in a Changing Climate Coalition. 2011.
Children and Disasters: Understanding Impact
and Enabling Agency. Research Report au-
thored by Fran Seballos, Marcela Tarazona,
Jose Gallegos and Thomas Tanner. May 2011.
Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.
Chohan, Faisal, Vaughn Hester and Robert Mun-
ro. 2011. Pakreport: Crowdsourcing for Multipur-
pose and Multicategory Climate-related Disas-
ter Reporting. Case study: ICTs, Climate Change
and Disaster Management. Climate Change,
Innovation & ICTs Project: Centre for Develop-
ment Informatics (CDI), University of Manches-
ter, UK, with the support of the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Christakos, G., R.A. Olea and H.-L Yu. 2007. Re-
cent results on the spatiotemporal modelling
and comparative analysis of Black Death and
bubonic plague epidemics. Public Health, Vol.
121, pp. 700-720.
CIMNE-INGENIAR (International Centre for Nu-
merical Methods in Engineering and INGENIAR
Ltda.). 2014a. Update on the Probabilistic Model-
ling of Natural Risks at Global Level: Global Risk
Model. Global earthquake and tropical cyclone
hazard assessment. Disaster risk assessment of
countries for seismic, cyclonic (wind and storm
surge) and flood. Background Paper prepared
for the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Di-
saster Risk Reduction. Geneva, Switzerland:
CIMNE-INGENIAR (International Centre for Nu-
merical Methods in Engineering and INGENIAR
Ltda.). 2014b. Selection of Local Case Studies
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