Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

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identified and highlighted transformative development practices with co-benefits for disaster risk reduction.
Managing disaster risks inside development
GAR15 consolidates and builds on those recommendations by highlighting not only how such transformative practices are essential to reduce risks, but also how an effective management of risks inside development can play a critical role in making development sustainable and in achieving the outcomes of all three of the new international frameworks under negotiation in 2015.
Managing the risks inherent in social and economic activity, rather than mainstreaming disaster risk management to protect against external threats, is very different to the current approach to disaster risk reduction. It implies that managing risk, rather than managing disasters as indicators of unmanaged risk, now has to become inherent to the art of development; not an addon to development, but a set of practices embedded in its very DNA. Without effective disaster risk management, sustainable development will not be sustainable and the SDGs will not be achieved.
Investing in disaster risk reduction is thus a precondition for developing sustainably in a changing climate. It is a precondition that can be achieved and that makes good financial sense. Global annual investments of only US$6billion in appropriate disaster risk management strategies can generate benefits of US$360 billion or an equivalent of more than 20 per cent reduction in new and additional expected annual losses.i 
Such an annual investment in disaster risk reduction represents only around 0.1 per cent of the US$6 trillion per year that will have to be invested in infrastructure over the next 15 years. But for many countries that small additional investment could make the crucial difference in achieving national and international goals of ending
poverty, improving health and education, and ensuring sustainable and equitable growth.
The key message of GAR15, therefore, is that an appropriate set of mutually supportive strategies for disaster risk management that weave and flow through development decisions is critical to the success of all three international frameworks currently under discussion. Without the effective management of disaster risks, sustainable development will, in fact, not be sustainable.
The future of disaster risk management
As disaster risk has increased rapidly during the HFA, disaster risk management itself is rapidly evolving. New stakeholders, including city governments, businesses and the financial sector are driving change. Innovations in areas as diverse as risk governance, risk knowledge, cost-benefit analysis and accountability are challenging old assumptions and creating new opportunities.
Rather than a programme or framework for action, GAR15 presents a discussion on the future of disaster risk management that recognizes ongoing innovation. Its purpose is to stimulate further reflection, debate and improved practice as countries begin to address the challenges posed by the new international agreements on disaster risk reduction, climate change and sustainable development in 2015 and beyond.
Reforming the governance of disaster risk
Countries will continue to require a dedicated and specialized disaster management sector to prepare for and respond to disasters, emergencies and other incidents, including maritime, aviation, industrial and environmental accidents. To the extent that risks continue to grow, there will be more rather than less demand for such a sector.
However, disaster and climate risks in development need to be approached not just through a specialized and stand-alone sector, but rather through strengthened governance arrangements
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